I was a little dismayed recently to find out that despite dog waste bins being filled and collected separately to the main rubbish, it still goes to the landfill, the same place as the rest of our rubbish. Makes sense really when you think about it, as while the poo itself is of course completley biodegradable, very often the plastic bags it's collected in isn't.
All responsible dog owners should pick up after their pooch. That's a given, or at least it should be!
However, here at DogFriendlyTogether we believe that responsible dog owners should take it a stage further and look after the environment that we are trampling all over each day too. So make a little effort and aim to pick up and dispose of the poo using an environmentally friendly, biodegradable bag.
We've been trying a few out and recommend
Oxo Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags x 500 (Click here)
from Amazon which are "dirt cheap" if you pardon the pun, are really strong and big enough to handle even the larger breeds deposits. Mike