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Dog Alerts & Warnings


Unfortunately not everyone is as dog friendly as the places and businesses listed on this site, and indeed some people go out of their way to be unfriendly to not only the dogs but owners as well.


Through this page we will bring you alerts and warnings from around the country about places to avoid at any given time for the safety and protection of your four legged friend, e.g. where poisons or sharps have been hidden in grass or food, suspicious activities which may lead to dog theft, along with less sinister but equally worrying natural problems like sink holes and newly breeding adders.


There is no central register or system currently for the reporting of these types of things so we are very much reliant on our users and friendly contributing vets. If you know of a problem in your area or an update to an existing problem please let us know using the form provided or drop us an email at support@dogfriendlytogether.co.uk. We will happily credit any contributing dog related business e.g. vets, pet shops, trainers, with a link back to their website.



Dog Alerts & Warnings (showing most recent first)


 North London ALERT - Dog Poisoning

North London police are asking dog owners to be careful following a number of dog poisonings in the area of Fryent Country Park. A number of dogs have been treated after eating discarded meat, and unforutnately a few have died.


For more information click here.


First reported on and added to DogFriendlyTogether.co.uk on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.


This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.



 Montgomeryshire ALERT - Distemper

Vets are warning about an increase in the number of cases of distemper they are seeing. This contagious viral disease can be prevented through vaccination. Transported through the air, the initial symptoms include lethargy, watery discharge from eyes and nose and reddened eyes. Other symptoms can include persistent coughing, vomiting and diarrhoea. If in any doubt consult your vet.


For more information click here.


First reported on and added to DogFriendlyTogether.co.uk on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.


This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.



 Wales ALERT - Tidal Waves

Visitors, including those with dogs, are being advised to check tidal conditions, following a number of rescues and even deaths


For more information click here.


First reported on and added to DogFriendlyTogether.co.uk on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.


This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.



 Lancashire ALERT - Alabama Rot now in Lancashire

Recent confirmed cases of Alabama Rot from the Pennington Flash and Borsdane Woods areas near Wigan, Lancashire.


For more information click here.


First reported on and added to DogFriendlyTogether.co.uk on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.


This dog alert was reported by a user whose details have been witheld for reasons of privacy.



 London ALERT - Lungworm

Vets are warning about the potential of lungworm in Hampstead. This is potentially fatal, but quick action by owners, e.g. when a bleeding cut doesn't clot, can save a dog's life, as can a monthly treatment (often in association with a flea treatment). The primary cause is by dogs eating slugs or licking slug larvae, e.g. from blades of grass.


For more information click here.


First reported on and added to DogFriendlyTogether.co.uk on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.


This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.



 London ALERT - Poisonous Ice Cream Cone

Police are warning dog owners to be cautious after an ice cream cone filled with a suspicious bright blue paste was found on the lower slopes of Primrose Hill. It is thought it was the banned substance called Methomyl which is an insecticide that can be fatal for humans as well as animals.


For more information click here.


First reported on and added to DogFriendlyTogether.co.uk on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.


This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.



 NATIONWIDE ALERT - E-Cigarette Warning

Following chewing on an owners E-cigarette a Cumbrian vet has had to put a dog down due to an overdose of nicotine. Nicotine can raise a dogs blood pressure to dangerously high levels as well as speeding their hearts up, again to dangerous levels. There can also be sensitivity to light, sound and touch.


For more information click here.


First reported on and added to DogFriendlyTogether.co.uk on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.


This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.



 Hertfordshire ALERT - Warning of poisonous substance on the Common

It is reported that a dog collapsed after eating a toxic substance during its walk on Chorleywood Common last weekend. Within 30 mins the dog had collapsed and her breathing became erratic. The dog was immediately taken to the vets where her stomch was pumped and she was put on a drip.


For more information click here.


First reported on and added to DogFriendlyTogether.co.uk on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.


This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.



61 Results



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If the warning is specific to an area, e.g. a park, give as accurate a location as you can including a neighbouring street name if known. Otherwise just fill it in as best as possible. For Nationwide alerts, type NATIONWIDE in the county field.



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