Dog Alerts & Warnings
Unfortunately not everyone is as dog friendly as the places and businesses listed on this site, and indeed some people go out of their way to be unfriendly to not only the dogs but owners as well.
Through this page we will bring you alerts and warnings from around the country about places to avoid at any given time for the safety and protection of your four legged friend, e.g. where poisons or sharps have been hidden in grass or food, suspicious activities which may lead to dog theft, along with less sinister but equally worrying natural problems like sink holes and newly breeding adders.
There is no central register or system currently for the reporting of these types of things so we are very much reliant on our users and friendly contributing vets. If you know of a problem in your area or an update to an existing problem please let us know using the form provided or drop us an email at We will happily credit any contributing dog related business e.g. vets, pet shops, trainers, with a link back to their website.
Dog Alerts & Warnings (showing most recent first)
Lincolnshire ALERT - Suspected Palm Oil
Dog owners are being advised to keep their dogs on a lead whilst walking on the beach and to ensure that dogs do not digest the waxy white substance that looks like lard and smells like diesel.
For more information click here.
First reported on and added to on 2016-03-10 15:14:41.
This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.
Essex ALERT - Dog Poisonings
Dog owners in Essex are being warned to be alert after a number of dog poisonings at various popular walking spots. Rat poison has been found wrapped in pastry, in cocktail sausages in areas including Mersesa, Monkey Steps and Seaview Avenue, with the most recent report being Aviation Way, Rochford.
For more information click here.
First reported on and added to on 2016-03-09 10:32:23.
This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.
North Yorkshire ALERT - Suspected Dog Poisoning
Dog owners are being asked to be vigilant following the suspected poisoning of four dogs in the popular dog walking area of Binns Lane. It is believed this is through the dogs picking up and eating food that has been left on the ground.
For more information click here.
First reported on and added to on 2016-03-03 12:26:26.
This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.
Nationwide ALERT - Dogs and Livestock
Dog owners are being asked to take special care as we approach the lambing season, with a number of incidents of dog attacks across the country. The advice is to keep your dog on a lead around areas of livestock.
For more information click here.
First reported on and added to on 2016-03-02 15:42:42.
This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.
Sussex ALERT - Theft and dog mutilation in Portslade
The RSPCA are warning dog owners in the Portslade area to keep their dogs on a tight leash following recent dog thefts and the later discovery of mutilated canine corpses in the area.
For more information click here.
First reported on and added to on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.
This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.
NATIONWIDE ALERT - Dogs in cars overheating
We are receiving reports from around the whole of the UK about a rapid increase in the number of dogs having to be rescued from cars in the recent high temperatures. Don't leave your dogs locked up. Take them with you or leave them at home in the shade. If you must leave them in the car leave them with open vented windows and water and check on them regularly.
First reported on and added to on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.
This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.
Staffordshire ALERT - Parvovirus - Staffordshire
Vets have reported that there has been a sudden rise in the number of cases being seen in the Stoke-on-Trent area. This is a potentially fatal disease and symptoms include vomiting and diarrhoea. It is contagious between dogs.
For more information click here.
First reported on and added to on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.
This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.
Surrey ALERT - Blue Green Algae
Reports are being received of illness caused by Blue Green Algae in still water over Hawley Meadows. The blossom, especially, is highly poisonous to dogs.
First reported on and added to on 0000-00-00 00:00:00.
This dog alert was reported by Dog Friendly Together.
61 Results
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